5 Ways to Repurpose Your Valentine’s Day Flowers


Do you have leftover flowers from Valentine’s Day? Instead of tossing them as soon as they start to wilt, here are 5 ways to give them some new life:

  1. Press your flowers - use them for homemade cards, bookmarks, wall art, etc.

  2. Dry your flowers and make potpourri for your drawers, closets and cupboards.

  3. Use them to make a DIY, like homemade rosewater, candles or bath bombs. Check out this post for a link to the recipe I use to make homemade rosewater!

  4. Break up the petals and leaves to make zero-waste confetti! Decorate your home with it or save it up for your first post-covid party. (Tip: use a single hole punch for a consistent round shape)

  5. Repurpose the packaging. Cellophane, ribbons and paper wrapping can all be reused for crafts and future gift giving.

Whatever you do, don’t throw your flowers in the garbage! Organic matter can’t decompose properly in a landfill, so it’s important to either compost your flowers yourself or put them in the Green Bin.

If you don’t have a Green Bin program where you live, check out ShareWaste to connect with local composters who might them off your hands!


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