Don’t Miss the Redfin Article I was Featured In!
Photo by Edgar Castrejon on Unsplash
One of the best pieces of advice I have received about transitioning to a low-waste household is to start one room at a time, so as to not get overwhelmed. For me, that was the kitchen.
With so many things coming in and out of the kitchen - food, food waste, containers, cooking accessories, etc. - there’s a lot of opportunity to phase out single-use and wasteful items. With just a few simple swaps in my kitchen, I quickly noticed a huge difference in the amount of waste I was producing.
If you’re looking to start making more sustainable swaps in your household, the kitchen is a great place to start.
To help you get started, I, along with others in the sustainability community, shared some of our best tips and tricks for a zero waste kitchen with Redfin. Check out what we had to say so you can start your journey towards sustainability with ease!